Let’s Grow Together
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Imagine a school where every student, K through 12, learns foreign languages, plays a musical instrument, and studies STEM, nature, karate, and math…
Where their love of learning is nourished by great books and ideas in a beautiful, rich, community-oriented environment…
Where curiosity, wonder, and risk taking are bred…
Where the focus is on the whole child.
Where the focus is on the whole child
Dogwood Charter School is a public, tuition-free K-8 charter school in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, with plans to expand to K-12. Based on the relational education model developed by English educator Charlotte Mason (1842-1932), Dogwood focuses on fostering the love of learning, curiosity, and wonder based on the idea that children are, foremost, persons. Presenting students with a beautiful feast of ideas through great books in a community-centric environment, Dogwood provides students with a place to live, learn, grow, and question in a challenging and engaging setting.
With our integration of languages, music, STEM, karate, and ample time in nature, Dogwood modernizes Charlotte Mason’s philosophies in a unique, data-informed program that ignites students’ innate and limitless learning potential.